Happy Mother’s Day “Faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice” “The Value of Wrinkles”

Happy Mother’s Day
“Faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice”

  1. I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 2 Timothy 1:5 ESV
2 Timothy 1 ESV

Take My Life and Let it Be

 SATB Choral Arrangement, Text by Frances Ridley Havergal, Tune by Henry

A. César Malan, Arranged by J. L. West

Choir: Lindsay Arthur, Sara Blakesley, Evan Kilgore, Jim 

LaRocca, David Ferneau, Chris Bohling, Ryan King

All photography by Jeremy West

Fran­ces Ridley Ha­ver­gal


Words: Fran­ces Ridley Ha­ver­gal, Feb­ru­a­ry 1874.

Music: Messiah, Lou­is J. Hér­old, 1830; ar­ranged by George 

Kings­ley, 1838

Frances Ridley Havergal (14 December 1836 – 3 June 1879) was 

an English religious poet and hymnwriter.

Take My Life and Let it Be and Thy Life for Me (also known as I 

Gave My Life for Thee) are two of her best known hymns. 

A Mother’s High Calling

“Mary, the Mother of Jesus was given an unusual task, but she models for us the joys and sorrows of motherhood.”

1.  Motherhood is a calling from God

2.  Motherhood means dedication to God

3.  Motherhood means nurturing children for God

4.  Motherhood means suffering with children

5.  Motherhood means the need for reconciliation/redemption

The Value of Wrinkles

By Isabel Tom

“How can you help your children value and connect with the older 

generation? On this edition of Building Relationships with Dr. Gary 

Chapman, author and speaker Isabel Tom shows how important it is 

for parents to model respect for older family members and friends. We 

often fear aging so much that we devalue ourselves and others.

Program Home  and Past Programs

Link: Building Relationships

Images by Primitive Baptists The Inspirational

Your Mother, Your Gift 

Images by Primitive Baptists The Inspirational

Link: Your Mother, Your Gift ~ Timothy, His Mother Eunice and Grandmother Lois

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